Choose a quality solution.

Vending Service S.r.l. has been a point of reference in Sicily for twenty years in the hospitality industry, for vending, for coffee at work and at home.
It is a dealer and Service Centre for Vending, and OCS of market leading brands such as Necta, Saeco, Ducale, Newis, Gaggia Milano and Agency of the prestigious Covim coffee roasting company.
The company, with its qualitative and profitable offer, has always put the customer first, and established with him, thanks to the professionalism and qualified expertise of the entire staff, a stable and lasting relationship based on trust, with the aim of helping him find solutions tailored to his real needs, even the financial and/or fiscal ones, to do business and optimise profitability.

With to its widespread presence throughout Sicily, always by the customer's side, wherever he may be, Vending Service S.r.l. guarantees prompt technical assistance and after-sales services, supplied by a large warehouse with machines and spare parts available in stock and ready for delivery.
Today the company is looking to the future also thanks to its renewed website and social network offering innovation and digital experience.

Hotel, Bar, B&B, Restaurants
and Health Service Solutions for breakfast and coffee break


H24 Shops,
Vending Machines

Vending and automatic business


for home and office

Caffè Covim® in beans, pods and capsules


Partner Companies

☕ #Coffee break: il rituale giornaliero più importante per il tuo ufficio e spazio lavorativo!

👉 con Vending Service troverai la soluzione migliore per bevande di qualità, con il top della tecnologia e con piani convenienti e flessibili. Come la #City300 #Ducale, una macchina che si adatta perfettamente ai piccoli spazi e rende il workspace più bello! 😍👌 Combina tecnologie da segmento premium: 🔺 porta vision per la macinatura dei grani di caffè e vano automatico rotante per l'erogazione, 🔺 touch-screen 12 pollici, 🔺 dual cup (bicchieri di formato differente), 🔺 topping 2 gusti per bevande creative. #VendingService offre consulenza, assistenza tecnica e professionalità.

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☕️ La #colazione è il momento più importante per la tua #struttura #ricettiva!

👉️ Vending Service ha tutte le soluzioni per confezionare ad hoc questo momento: dalle piccole e grandi macchine da #caffè, agli #spremiagrumi, erogatori d'#acquafiltrata, #yogurt, #granitori, #bollitori... ma soprattutto Vending Service è assistenza, qualità e convenienza! 👉️ Scopri i nostri piani economici e le soluzioni per usufruire di rateizzazioni o delle detrazioni con incentivi fiscali.

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